Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to School Supplies Stress

Dear Expert Educator,
I think learning is important but the first day of school is coming up soon and I have NO money for school supplies.   We just have enough money to live and there is no money in my budget for anything else.  What am I supposed to do?  Stressed single mom of two. 

Dear Single Mom of Two,
You are right, the first day of school is quickly approaching, in some areas the first day of school is actually today.  All students should be prepared for their FIRST day of school.  However, before you stress out or rush to the store to purchase items take some time to look at the required list of supplies (most schools post them online).  Next, take inventory of what you already have at the house.  You would be surprised how many pens, pencils, folders, paper, eraser, markers, crayons, lunch boxes, etc. that you already have.  Copy down or print the supply list and check off all the items you have around the house.  Next check Grandma's house (friends, neighbors, other family members).  People usually have a plethora of unneeded stationary that they would be more than happy to give to you.  They get to de-clutter their homes all while donating the stationary towards a good cause.  Now that you have gathered all of the supplies you already have at your disposal, check to see what local school supply drives are taking place and when they plan to distribute.  I am sure once you follow these steps you will find that your children will be ready for the first day of school at little to no cost to you.  So go get those children ready for school so that they can succeed academically and you can hear people say "Your children are So Smart"! 

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